Hays, Kansas
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Hays, Kansas

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 So, you've always wanted to become a radio DJ?

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Brown Bag Special

Number of posts : 17
Age : 60
Location : Apple Valley, MN
Registration date : 2008-04-10

So, you've always wanted to become a radio DJ? Empty
PostSubject: So, you've always wanted to become a radio DJ?   So, you've always wanted to become a radio DJ? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 22, 2008 11:15 am

Deadline: 8/8/2008

Media: Radio

Department: Programming

Description: Eagle Radio of Hays is searching for our next on-air personality. Eagle Radio is currently accepting applications for a full time announcer.

Qualifications: Two years experience in broadcast media preferred and must be familiar with computers, studio equipment, broadcast software and recording devices.

Please send resume and tape to Operations Director, Eagle Radio of Hays, P. O. Box 6, Hays, Kansas 67601. Digital submissions may be sent to scott.boomer@eagleradio.net.

Send Resume to: Eagle Radio of Hays
P. O. Box 6
Hays KS 67601
Phone: 785-625-2578
Email: scott.boomer@eagleradio.net

Notes: A great 401K plan and health insurance are just a couple of benefits available from Employee Owned Eagle Communications, an Equal Opportunity Employer
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So, you've always wanted to become a radio DJ?
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