For those who are worried about this I noticed something you might find interesting.
The Mayan calendar is divided into sections of times, one of those called "baktuns" which is about 400 years, and 2012 is the end of the final baktun. According to experts each baktun ending marked a major change for the Mayans. Each time one ended, their cities were abandoned or other major events occured changing life for all.
But here's what's interesting. 1618 was the end of the last baktun and was approximately the time the Mayan civilization fell to the Spanish. But what of the Spanish? What about the rest of Europe, Asia, or other points of the globe?
1618 and beyond were full of the usual wars, famines, and other assorted natural disasters, but there were no major European cities abandoned. China saw the end of the Ming Dynasty, but they obviously survived and went on to sell us tons of cheap junk in Walmart.
Exploration and global settlement advanced rapidly and 1620 was when the Mayflower landed to find the lands already inhabited by numerous tribes of natives. Many of the great scientists lived in these times. Artists like Rembrant were painting todays masterpieces.
So just because the Mayans decided to put themselves through a major upheaval or abandon cities every 400 years according to what they interpreted the positions of planets and stars to mean is no proof that any other civilization will end on their calendar time.