yes i take cans there. for volunters did they relly on just a hand full of folks to come in weekend after weekend / day after day? or did they try to recruit organizations and schools and businesses to help out. they could say ask the freshman football team from tmp to do it for one weekend, the scedual the hays high basebell team to do it another weekend. maybe even a leadership class or a club at forthays to do it another weekend. all these people could use it as a fund raiser, either by having some kind of free will collection so the people that would use such a site could toss a few bucks in, or the city could find some funds someplace to give to the groups, or a business in town could sponsor it some weekend for a tax write off. the list could go on forever in a town this size and not have the same group do it more then once or twice a year. question is when will thhe place be open for collection, on the weekends, in the evenings, 7 days a week, mornings afternoons all day long?