maori people are scavengers by nature. socially, and on the food chain.
the problem is that maori people DONT take responsibility.
a crime is comitted, WHITE MANS FAULT
drug dealers - WHITE MANS FAULT.
the problem is that maori people also protect teh bad people in their community.
they stay silent when a little girl gets raped. they stay silent when their twins die of mysterious circumstances.
not ALL maori are on the benefit.
Of course
NOT ALL maori are criminals
but.... "maoris" as a whole haev a sense of entitlement. you get the odd one that doesnt think and act and speak like a maori. Great.
but as a whole, the sense of entitlement is crazy.
frankly, maori contribute the least in this country..THE LEAST, only second to them are pacific islanders, but Maoris get the most help in nz.
there is no pride in being maori, there shouldnt be. WHY?
because, how can you have pride with belonging to a culture that ...well, lack of a better word, a bunch of chumps and losers.
i wouldnt be proud.
i have met and have had m aori friends, but they are not the maoris that quote their fracking IWI and HAPU and all that crap.
those people......are the ones that are dooming your own race.
you dont really get many white people claimng to be the queens fracking distant cousin do you?
or asians claiming to be related to ghengis khan?
we dont care, we moved on from hundreds of years ago and live a life of the present.
maoris, dont.....
what injustices.
47% of criminals in jail are pacific islanders and MAORI.
how bout the injustices?
maoris raping our kids
maoris robbing our houses
maoris assaulting our family memnbers
if there is a horrific crime on tv, paper.... i can put my money on it, it will be a maori or coconut.
its that reliable.
only vvery seldom its not a maori.
if i hear KIDS BEATEN to death or almost to death...MAORI.
stabbing...MAORI OR COCO.
in fact, when i hear of a
"Father of 4/5/6/7/8 in south auckland, stabbed or killed etc"
first thing i think, sure sad....but really
what i think is
1) i bet he is cocori (maori or coconut)
2) i bet he is unemployed or on welfare
3) i bet he has gang affiliations or drugs connections
and you know what, if TAB puts a wager on that....i would be rich by now.
you brign it on to your own people.
do i hate maoris?
because, i see them take take take.
complain complain complain
\but do nothing NOTHING to improve themselves.
you have free scholarships and tuition but no one really takes advantage of it.
as a student teacher, pass marks can be lower cos they want more teachers that are unfair