Just look at how guns help the economy. They provide jobs all the way from manufacture to distibution and sales. They give meat lockers and taxidermists work. Sporting goods and clothing markets. Beer, jerky, and schnapps are staples of the hunter. Gas stations, resturants, camping facilities, and hunting lodges provide numerous jobs because of hunters.
Farmers are producing more thanks to hunters that keep the population of deer and other herbivores down. They lose less livestock because gun owning farmers, and hunters keep predators limited. And the environment is safer because farmers use less poison baits to destroy farmland pests.
Homes where criminals know well armed Americans reside are lesser targets for home invaders. The neighborhoods in America with the largest concentrations of legal gun owners are less likely to suffer gang activity. Maybe that's partly due to the fact that most legal gun owners are not inner city morons, but you are still safer and that saves money by keeping insurance rates down among other things.
And besides all that, the more heavily armed America stays, the more prepared we are to have a militia if needed. Yeah, guns are real good for America.